lee scratch perry - came out pretty good i reckon... though nothing featuring that guy's ever gunna be bad.

i wanted to do something in the usual negative layout, but using a light paint on a dark surface... the late great Bix Beiderbecke came to the rescue~~ the stencil looked crap, but white spray on a dark wall looks tre'cool

inverted stencils are fun - i've made this one look very cool on one of those footpath power transformers... it fit perfectly n_n

i always like to do stencils that work with their surroundings, so i figured it'd look mean to have a cockroach coming out of a windowsill or some other ledge... I've ssen it scare a couple o' people too^^

always the coolest villian in batman - i found a shot of him with a spraycan that was just too perfect, i had to stencilificate it^^

and now on the tee... kudos to anyone outside my family who has any idea who this is^^ - noted to never go overboard underpainting on a shirt, makes a panel quite stiff. but still, it's a tee i wished existed 10 years ago.

in the name of reminiscence... this is a b&w scanned version of my hand drawn artie geller. gawrsh it screwed my index fingertip slitting all the attack jelly cartons - or should i say 'Katz Kustom Kontainers'... Pete Ogrodnick would be so proud - and my brother enraptured when he recieves the shirt n_n